Here we list our products that are no longer manufactured
Window Transform Function Oscillator (WTF)
Our first product was the Window Transform Function (WTF) Oscillator, this used a totally new way to create waveforms by opening a window (or windows) from a waveform and inserting a portion of another waveform. The two waveforms were also in a wavetable allowing for smooth transitions.

Wave Plane oScillator
This follow up allowed you to morph between four waveforms in a two dimensional plane, each corner waveform was itself a wavetable, allowing for a 6 dimensional wavetable effect previously unavailable anywhere

NJM2069 VCF VCA module
This time we were able to obtain a limited supply of new old stock Korg NJM2069 VCF/VCA modules. The VCF sounds incredible and was used in the Poly 800, DW6000, DW8000 and DSS-1. We added the feature to switch between 12dB and 24dB outputs from the VCF.

MultiMode VCF (SSI2140 based)
Next we created a unique VCF module based on the SSI2140 VCF chip, this gives you some interesting combinations of VCF modules from 1P low pass through 4P low pass and into High pass and band pass territory as well as a mix of HP and LP modes, like a 1P HP and 3P LP.